Android productivity apps are quite diverse. These applications can change the feeling of being lazy to be even more productive.
Offers a variety of advanced features that facilitate human activities. You can get these applications by downloading and installing them on your smartphone.

3 Android Productivity Apps
However, to use all of its features or certain features, you usually have to switch to the premium version. Because there are many choices of applications, it often makes it difficult for some users to choose one of them.
1. Forest
In the first place, there is Forest. The Forest is a learning productivity app that you can use to improve your concentration and focus.
The basic idea of this app is to plant virtual seeds. The seeds you have planted will grow big as long as you stay focused on the task and don’t leave the Forest application.
If you leave the Forest application, the seed will wither. The activity of caring for seeds so that they grow into large trees can motivate each user to continue to be productive.
In addition, can feel proud of what has been achieved. Besides being able to download via Android, this application is also compatible with iOS.
There are various kinds of features that you can use, such as timers, planting lots of virtual trees, gift options and unlocking various new tree species, sharing features, and competing with friends.
2. Trello
The next Android productivity app, namely Trello. Trello is an interesting productivity application for you to try.
This application is equipped with features to manage activities so that they run effectively. Not only that, this application also has a reminder feature that works if you have an agenda that you need to complete.
You can connect the Trello application with colleagues to monitor or manage ongoing work. Trello provides many benefits for each of its users.
However, you can use this application for free. To do this, you can simply download and install it via Android.
3. Todoists
Todoist is an application that is quite popular and widely used. This application allows every user to remember things every day and still absurdly do tasks.
With this app, you can start your day with an overview of what you need to do. This allows you to organize and prioritize tasks using the Sections, Favorites, and Sub Tasks features.
In addition, you can collaborate with other people, so you can delegate tasks or various jobs that you have completed. Android productivity apps are indeed interesting for you to use. Instead of having nothing to do, it’s better to play these applications.